Friday, November 27, 2009



The Yadavas are believed to be the descendants of the Yadl race to which belonged the lv1ahnbhnrata hero, Krishna. I was after the decline of the Chalukyas of Kalyani that the] rose into prominence. The first noteworthy figure of thl dynasty was Bhillama V. He made Devagiri his capital. Bu he was defeated by Vira-Ballala I Hoysala at the battle 0 Lakhul1di. His successor was Jaitrapala I (1191-1210) wh( killed the Kakatiya ruler, Rudradeva. The most energetil ruler of this dynasty was Singhana (1210 to 1247).

It wai during the reign of Mahadeva and Ramachandra that thl great brahrnan minister, Hemadri, renowned for his Hindi Dhnrmashnstras, flourished. His most important work is thE Chnturvarga-Chintamani. He is also said to have introducee a special form of temple architecture in the Deccan. It wa~ during the reign of Ramachandra that the army led by Ala­ud-din Khalji, then governor of Kara, invaded Devagiri ir 1294. The Yadava rule came to an end when Harapala waf killed at the behest of Sultan Mubarak.

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