Friday, November 27, 2009



The Gangas are believed to have either belonged to the lim of Ikshvakus, or associated with the river Ganga or witl the Kanvas. The kingdom of the Gangas included thE greater part of Mysore and was called Gangavadi. It wai founded by Didiga (Konganivarman) and Madhava some time in the fourth century AD. Its early capital was Kuluva1c but later the capital was transferred to Talkad by Harivarma A notable Ganga ruler was Durvinita who distinguisee himself in warfare with the Pallavas.

But in the eighth ane ninth centuries, they had to encounter conflict with thl Chalukyas of Vengi and the Rashtrakuta ruler, Dhruve Nirupama. Later, the Gangas were involved in fighting wit! the Cholas and by 1004, Talkad was captured and Gange sovereignty ended. Most of the Ganga rulers were devotee: of Jainism. It was during the reign of Rajamala IV (977-985) that his minister and general, Chamundaraya, a devotee Jain, erected the celebrated image of Gomateshvara a Sravanabelagola in 983. The 58-feet-high statue occupies e special place among the sculptures of the world.

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