Friday, November 27, 2009



There are three branches of the Silahara family known to history. They remained subordinate to the Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas and Yadavas, while ruling over Konkan; Goa, Than.a and Kolhapur were their various capitals. The most notable monarch of this line was Bhoja (1175-1210), after whom the kingdom was conquered by Singhana, the Yadava ruler.


The Kadambas were brahmans. It is believed that the founder of this dynasty was May~asarman who, being annoyed by the Pallavas, established his rule in Karnataka with Banavasi as his seat of government. It was during the reign of Kakusthavarman that Kadamba dominion and influence grew considerably. The next ruler was Ravivarman, with his capital at HaisL The rise of the Chalukyas of Vatapi gave a severe blow to Kadamba ambitions and Pulakesin I and Pulakesin II conquered large parts of their dominion. But the family re-emerged after the decline of the Rashtrakutas in the last quarter of the tenth century AD.

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