Friday, November 27, 2009



The Kakatiyas were at first feudatories of the Latel Chalukyas, after whose decline they rose to power i~ Telengana. Their seat of power was shifted from Anmakonda to Warangal. Their first prominent ruler was Prolaraja, whc distinguished himself in warfare against the Western Chalukyas and ruled for a long time. Under Ganapati, who ascended the throne in 1199, the Kakatiyas rose into prominence. Ganapati successfully overcame the Cholas. Kalingas, Yadavas, Karnata Lata and Valanadu.

He was succeeded by his daughter, Rudramba, in 1261. She ruled sagaciously and assumed ,the. male title of Rudradeva Maharaja. She was succeeded by her grandson, Prataparudradeva, who has been immortalised by Vaidyanatha's Prata-Parudriya-a work of poetics dedicated to him. Prataparudra ultimately had to submit before the Muslim invader, Malik Kafur. The Kakatiyas were eventu­ally overpowered by the Bahmani Sultans of the Deccan.

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