Friday, November 27, 2009



The later Chalukyas who ruled over Kalyani claim descent from the main line of Chalukyas of Vatapi. The kingdom was re­established by Taila II in 973, when he defeated the last Rashtrakuta ruler Amoghavarsha IV. During his rule (973­997), he brought under his control extensive territories, including southern part of the Paramara kingdom of Malwa. Somesvara I (1043-1068) was involved in a protracted war with the Cholas and was finally defeated by the Chola ruler, Virarajendra, in the battle of Kudal. Somesvara IT ~1068­1076), a tyrannical ruler, was overthrown by his brother, V1kramaditya IT Tribhuvanamalla (1076-1126)-the hero of Bilhana's Vikramankadeva-charita.

He was undoubtedly the greatest ruler of the Western Chalukyas. He introduced the Chalukya-Vikrama era (1076 AD). He successfully fought against the Chalukyas of Anhilwara, the Cholas and the Hoysala king Vishnuvardhana. He is said to have sent an embassy to Ceylon. With the death of ]agadekamalla IT, the Chalukyan power was eclipsed and the throne was usurped by the Kalachuri minister of war, Vijjala or Vijjana. With the rise of the Yadavas of Devagiri and the Hoysalas, the Chalukyan dynasty ceased to exist by the middle of the thirteenth century.

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